I believe in having a few pupils at one time as it requires a constant alert observation of each individual in order to establish a direct relationship.
我相信小班制是有效教學方式. 如此可以深入觀察每個學生的學習狀況, 並建立最直接的教學互動關係.
A good teacher can never be fixed in a routine... each moment requires a sensitive mind that is constantly changing and constantly adapting.
一位好的老師不會採用完全制式的教學模式, 因為時時都需要細膩的敏銳度去改善及革新.
A teacher must never impose this student to fit his favourite pattern;
a good teacher functions as a pointer, exposing his student's vulnerability (and) causing him to explore both internally and finally integrating himself with his being.
一位好老師的角色是學生的啟發者. 指出學生的不足的短缺, 協助學生去開發自己內在潛能, 最後讓學生全面性地造就自己.
Martial art should not be passed out indiscriminately.